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CIBC Soccer Fest

السبت، ١٧ أغسطس


Marco Muzzo Senior Park

Join us for our annual CIBC Soccer Fest annual bbq celebrating all our Eagles members and family!

Tickets are not on sale
See other events

الوقت والموقع

١٧ أغسطس ٢٠٢٤، ٩:٠٠ ص – ٦:٠٠ م

Marco Muzzo Senior Park , 5098 Perennial Dr, Mississauga

نبذة عن الحدث

Don't miss out on a fabulous day full of delicious food, music, bouncy castles, games and more! This event promises to be an incredible experience for everyone, and you won't want to miss it. Mark your calendar and be prepared for a day of non-stop fun and enjoyment!

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ساعات العملية:

*مغلق مؤقتا*

الإثنين - الخميس: 5 - 9 مساءً

الجمعة : 4 - 7 مساءً

السبت: 10 - 3 مساءً

© 2018 نادي إيرين ميلز لكرة القدم .

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